Crypto Editions

Crypto Editions

CryptoEditions is the new Publishing Imprint for Hancock House Publishers for all our titles pertaining to the cryptozoology genre. 

Over the years, Hancock House has become recognized for the unique and engaging genre of cryptozoology. Given its similarity to other zoological topics that we have published since inception, the realm of cryptozoology has both been increasing in readership and no less controversial than it was 50 years ago.

We are pleased to solidify this genre through the launch of this new Imprint and look forward to expanding upon our existing linup of 40+ titles on the topic.


How did Hancock House become the world premiere of Cryptozoology publishers?

Publisher & biologist David Hancock replies:

" Indeed, but not so unusual considering my background. As a biologist I have always been fascinated by the unusual wildlife and engrossing native legends. Bigfoot/Sasquatch is an interesting point of divergence from the Hancock House list of scientific conservation titles on care and management of wild or captive birds and mammals. However, sasquatch does qualify in our major emphasis as a west coast publisher (Alaska, Yukon, British Columbia, Washington or Oregon) of historic and regional titles. But most importantly, I have been an ardent outdoor enthusiast and what creature can raise more hair on the back of necks?

But the logic and evolution of a conservation grounded biologist - publisher to the weird and wonderful, has been a fun trip. I started out my career as a pilot and then after 7 years at university to become a biologist, a flying biologist focusing on studies of west coast wildlife. About 1964 I met Bob Titmus on a remote island up the central BC coast. While I was studying bald eagles and white spirit bears (the white black Kermode bear) I got to accompany Bob on numerous hikes setting up “trip cameras” to catch photos of passing sasquatches. Bob was a masterful storyteller.

A great summer. Later I got to review the many roles of film and saw some fine rear ends of dear, black bears and myself!

Before this, I had met John Green and Reni Dahinden for equally marvelous discussions. By the time the Patterson film arrived I was one of the UBC zoologists invited to the first film showing in Vancouver. The love affair has blossomed ever since.

In 1970, I started Hancock House Publishers and slowly sought out – or got selected (?) – to publish a whole string of sasquatch titles. This has lead to several UFO and Ogopogo titles as well.

In 2003, Chris Murphy came to me with the idea of presenting the never-before-shown Exhibit of Sasquatch at the Vancouver Museum along with the publication of a superbly illustrated catalog. Those 200 or so photos and 80 projected pages quickly evolved into what I can only say is the most incredible compendium of over 600 photos and 250 large format pages of several thousand years of sasquatch/bigfoot research and stories. What a great journey that I have been privileged to make with some of the worlds most interesting and unique researchers. I hope you enjoy the adventure as much as I have. What a joy to know the dedicated scientists and equally keen and committed enthusiasts. "

David Hancock