In accordance with our environmental objectives, we prefer not to waste paper; therefore, initial queries should be made via email to
Please note that we do not normally publish fiction works.
In order for your manuscript to be considered, please adhere to the following guidelines:
- An annotated Table of Contents and three Sample Chapters
- A 250-300 word synopsis of the book in either Word of PDF
- A total word count and the total number and type of images the work will include (e.g. photos, illustrations).
- A short biography of the author (and artist, if the work is illustrated) or CV highlighting your expertise on the subject matter.
- A review of what other books exist in this field, when the others were published and what makes yours different or more relevant
- What audience do you envision seeing your book marketed to?
- We offer a substantial discount to our authors. How many copies would you see yourself needing, if any?
- The publishing industry is in a state of constant change and increased competition, thus we will look more favourably upon projects where the author is prepared to take on a leading role in the promotion and marketing of their book. Please outline how you can help with mailing lists, network or organizational contacts, workshops, conferences, etc.
- Lastly, why have you sought to contact us for publishing your work as opposed to another publishing house?
Please do not send us any hard copy material or any original images unless specifically requested to do so. We will not be responsible for returning any unsolicited materials.
Please also indicate if this is an exclusive or multiple submission.
Proposals normally receive a response within one to two weeks, however, it is not unusual for the process to take longer. Please be aware that we receive submissions weekly and only a few are accepted for publication. If the manuscript is of interest, we will request a complete copy to review. We may also make suggestions as to how your manuscript can be changed to make it more publishable. Such preliminary indications of interest do not constitute a commitment to publish the work.
Given the number of submissions we receive, please note we may only end up contacting you if we have potential interest. Submissions that do not fall in line with our publishing vision or mandates may not be contacted due to time constraints.
If Hancock House agrees to proceed with publishing the work, a formal contract will be signed by both parties. Most books are published within six to eighteen months depending on the complexity of the title; however, the process can take up to several years in some cases for specialized books.