A Man and His River: a 25-year love affair with a wild island waterway
By: D.C. Reid
ISBN: 978-0-88839-728-7 [Trade Paperback]
ISBN: 978088839-734-8 [eBook]
Binding: Trade Paper
Size: 5.5" X 8.5"
Pages: 256
Illustrations/Photos: 63
Publication Date: 2022
A Man and His River is a love story, and a story of personal journey set on the banks of the Nitinat river on Vancouver Island. It is about the inherent and universal feeling of being near flowing water and the experiences of nature and wildlife that share the banks. This book is also a summary of the author’s lifetime of fishing Vancouver Islands 123 watersheds and the pursuits of its diversity of salmon and trout.
While providing tales of wildlife encounters and big fish, the author also provides the reader with details on the various techniques and gear that can be employed on most rivers on the west coast. DC Reid is acknowledged as the writer who best exemplifies and extends the legacy of Roderick Haig-Brown, in the 21st century, and his latest work is his attempt to carry on that legacy.
Author Biography
DC Reid is a passionate and gifted angler who lands - and carefully releases- as many as 500 salmon every year. He is a sport-fishing columnist for the Victoria times-Colonist and has published articles in the Vancouver Sun, Maclean's, Outdoor Life, BC Outdoors, Western Sportsman, Outdoor Canada, Great Lakes Angler, North American Fisherman, and many others. Reid has written nine other books and lives in Victoria, B.C.
Book Reviews
“In this intimate and detailed portrayal of the Nitinat, D.C. Reid captures the near-magical ebbs and flows of its life cycles, while sharing his own fascination with the river’s constantly evolving complexion and the great fish that call it home."
— Patrick Walsh, editor-in-chief, Outdoor Canada magazine
“This is a story about life and death on a wild river that has carved a path through a rainforest and through the bedrock of a poet’s heart. DC Reid wrecks cars, flips boats, and communes with bears as he searches for salmon, casting heavy lures ‘that fly because their weight cuts a hole in the air’. Along the way, he dispenses a wealth of angling knowledge."
— Mark Hume, author of River of the Angry Moon, Trout School and Reading the Water.