Pagans in my Blood
By: Magor, John
ISBN: 0-88839-291-5
Binding: Trade Paper
Size: 8.5" X 5.5"
Pages: 120
Photos: 0
Illustrations: 0
Publication Date: 1992
PR Highlights: A look at the Babylonian times.
PHOTO Highlights: 5 b/w photos accompanied by 6 b/w drawings.
Description: A Babylonian story as well the stories about UFOs. Semiramis is the wife of Nimrod, founder of Babylon, and queen in her own right, she has a significant part in this story and both she and Nimrod had ambitions. In fact, ambition is the name of the game for all of these Babylonians, modern and historic, though separated in time by more than 4,000 years.
Author Biography:
John Magor graduated in 1937 with an M.S. degree from the Columbia School of Journalism in New York. He has been an editor for Cavalcade News magazine in London, England, free lance reporter in Washington, D.C., British United Press parliamentary correspondent in Ottawa and publisher of the Prince Rupert Daily News and the Cowichan Leader, both in British Columbia. In recognition of his work as news correspondent and his enterprise and leadership in publishing, Magor received an alumnus award in 1963, from the Columbia journalism school on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. His contributions to Canadian UFO Report were featured in a graphic display at the Man and His World exhibition in Montreal. In 1979, after ten years of publishing, the magazine, Major sold his interest to another publisher, but the handwriting was on the wall. A year later CUFOR ceased publication and its loyal little group of volunteers was disbanded. During World War II John Magor served for five years in the RCAF. He currently lives with his family in Duncan, British Columbia.