Tlingit: Their Art and Culture
By: Hancock,David
ISBN: 978-0-88839-530-6
Binding: Trade Paper
Size: 8.5" X 5.5"
Pages: 96
Photos: 175
Illustrations: 1
Publication Date: 2003
PR Highlights: Exploring Tlingit art, culture and legends.
PHOTO Highlights: Many color photos, plus historical photos.
Sample Chapter
Description: A new look at the Tlingit. The author weaves personal observations in with historical and cultural references to give a lively account of these artistic native peoples. When you visit southeast Alaska you encounter the Tlingit Indians and their very rich lands, diversified culture and wondrous art forms. You can visit from cruise ships, from the Alaska Ferry system, from private boats, from the air, or by following the highway systems though Hyder, Skagway or Haines. The richness of the Tlingit culture flows from the incredible diversity and abundance of the surrounding seas: its fish, whales and sea life, the prolific clam beaches, and the incredible wealth from the spawning fish that feed the bears and eagles and nutrify the dense coniferous forest. The ease with which the natives could extract a good living provided much extra time to devote to developing an extraordinarily rich culture and a prolific art, as well as the warring and slave trading that set the northwest coast peoples apart from the other more food-deprived North American native peoples. This book will give you a glimpse into the richess of their culture and art and afford you some understanding how the Tlingit evolved as part of this productive land.
Author Biography
David Hancock is a noted wildlife biologist with a lifelong interest in west coast indian culture. He travels frequently throughout the region and is the author of several books including WESTERN INDIAN BASKETRY, and BALD EAGLE OF ALASKA, BC, AND WASHINGTON.
Book Reviews
By Midwest Book Review on Nov. 17 2003
A superb addition to personal, academic, and community library Native American Studies reference collections, black-and-white as well as color photographs wonderfully illustrate Tlingit: Their Art And Culture, a captivating survey by David Hancock of the Native Americans of Alaska, Yukon and British Columbia. From village life and ceremonies; to the potlatch festivals; to shamanism; to marriage and burial customs; to woodcarving and fabric art forms, Tlingit: Their Art And Culture offers a concise and informative introduction to Tlingit artifacts, nuances, and rituals of Northwestern Native American life and society.