Transformation Masks - Coloring Book
Transformation Masks - Coloring Book

Transformation Masks - Coloring Book


Regular price $6.95


By: Pamela Rae Huteson
ISBN: 978-0-88839-635-8
Binding: Trade Paper
Size: 8.5" X 11"
Pages: 32
Illustrations: 30
Publication Date: 2007


This coloring book for young readers provides an illustrated story of transformation masks and First Nations culture from the Pacific Northwest.

Native peoples' connection with the drum, dances, and masks is deeply rooted. Since ancient times, in their Big Houses, Northwest Coast Native cultures have conducted ceremonies that included masks. This coloring book helps children understand these ancient traditions and honors the lives and dances of the indigenous people of the Northwest Coast.

Sample Chapter

Author Biography

Pamela Rae Huteson grew up surrounded by totem poles and longhouses, and listening to her elders recount Tlingit and Haida legends. Her fascination with Native history and traditions of Northwest Coast tribes led to her development as a writer of both poetry and prose, and participation in three Native dance groups: the Klawock Heenya Dancers, the Shinna-ku Dancers, and guest appearances with the Gaanax.adi clan during celebrations in Klawock, Alaska. Pamela is the author of Legends in Wood: Stories of the Totems (2002) and 8 entries in the Encyclopedia of Anthropology (2005).


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